Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Ok so I found out how to add a blog to this... took a while...

So our lesson... It consisted of us picking an unknown "thing" was going to say animal.. Then I realised James got a tree HA! Now the animals... sorry, "things", were in their Latin names, we had no idea what they were, except of course the darn gorilla. Well, I think the main thing we all learnt from this lesson was to not go for what you think is the obvious and "cool" decision because you'll get a tree.  This is James' Hippo... He's crying.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Neils Blog for 8-23-12

Today in Environmental Systmes and Soctities we did a quiz on all the new terms and information that we learned last class. Some were the things Mark discussed in his last post other than pandas we didnt have a quiz on pandas. At the end of class we went over some voacbulary that we would see in the the next topic we would be covering which is The Ecosystem. This is a part of environmental systems and socities that I think I will find intersting. Some of the terms we had discussed the year before in biology. Some of the terms were Habitat which means an area where an animal lives and biotic which is a living part of an ecosystem.

Here is a picture of a clown fish in his natural habitat in the water and in a anemone.

Here  is a picture of Fish not in his natural habitat. He doesnt have any water. He's a sad fish.

By Neil